
Home / Latest News / Demands for car dashboard has mildly returned Take time to see if the down-turn has ended

Demands for car dashboard has mildly returned Take time to see if the down-turn has ended


Date: 2020-07-22

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Chin Poon, the world's second-largest manufacturer for car dashboards, had achieved a revenue of NT$1.175 billion in June, an increase of 32.37% on a month-on-month basis. Thanks to the recovery of shipment for car dashboards, orders are still booming in July, and Unitech has, as well, sensed that shipment for car dashboards is gaining momentum. However, it remains to be seen before one can tell if the market situation has gone out from the valley in the third quarter after the down-turn for the last three years.

        Though the demands for car dashboards rebounded in June, the revenue achieved by Chin Poon and Unitech in the second quarter has only come to NT$3.068 billion and NT$2.25 billion, respectively, only keeping at a historically low level. With little capacity utilization and interference from the exchange rate, the main product of the business would inevitably suffer loss in the second quarter. Thus, even demands for car dashboards are picking up slowly, and it remains tough for Chin Poon to confront the pressure from competition of the trade as APCB, TPT-PCBC, GBM, and Tripod and others.


        In the global car PCB market, Japanese manufacturers have been leading the market for a long time, with CMK acting as the overlord of the market. As for Taiwanese PCB manufacturers Chin Poon and Tripod, they have nicely squeezed into the top 10 suppliers. In 2019, the revenue by Chin Poon had come to NT$14.3 billion, ranking first, but it is faring lower than that of 2018. As for the revenue achieved by Tripod, it has come to NT$ 11 billion, following closely behind, as it hits a new high and is rising against the tides with growth of 4%.


        Tripod’s revenue in the first quarter this year is NT$11.718 billion, a quarter-on-quarter decrease of 16.29% and a year-on-year decrease of 5.49%. Most of all, the proportion of revenue from the car dashboard is 21.7%, ranking first among various applications. Besides, when global automakers restarted operations in June, it was previously hoped that shipment for car dashboards would turn for the better; nonetheless, nothing particularly exciting has been learned from the market. P. 4


        The reasons that have brought about such a sign are that even if the car factories have already started operations and their materials in hand are sufficient, however, shipments for electronic components of cars are quite limited because both the car making plants and automotive electronic component factory are suspended at destocking stage. Therefore, it is not easy to expect the performance of a V-shaped rebound for car dashboards in the third quarter.


          However, the view by Chin Poon is relatively more optimistic for orders that have rebounded significantly in June. As such, revenue has increased from RMB 888 million in May to RMB 1.175 billion in June, with a monthly increase of 32.37% and a year-on-year decrease of 13.86%. In viewing current developments, it appears that the prospects in July would be quite favorable. (News source: CnYes)





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