PCB Net-Zero and Advanced Forum
PCB淨零高階論壇:高階技術 淨零永續 產官研同行
PCB Net-Zero and Advanced Forum
「PCB淨零高階論壇」由經濟部產發署擔任指導單位,財團法人資訊工業策進會、台灣電路板協會共同主辦,邀請到工研院產科所羅宗惠經理、欣興電子涂立人副部長、Aman Joshi ,Chief Commercial Officer,Bloom Energy、晟鈦邱懷青財務長、工研院產科所張淵菘分析師、資策會數轉院蔡明宏主任分別就產業、企業淨零以及產業高階技術與計畫資源等議題進行分享。
【Time】10/24 09:30-12:00
【Location】TaiNEX 1 Room 402ab
In response to the industry's ongoing transition towards advanced and net-zero development, TPCA launched the Taiwan PCB Industry Low-Carbon Transformation Strategy in 2023. To align with industry trends, TPCA has initiated the update of the Net-Zero Emissions Roadmap for the PCB industry this year while conducting an independent inventory of the industry's net-zero efforts. In conjunction with government resources, it observes topics related to low-carbon carriers. These efforts not only promote environmental sustainability but also provide directions for technological innovation and industrial upgrades within the PCB sector.
The "PCB Net-Zero Advanced Forum" is guided by the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and jointly organized by the Institute for Information Industry and the Taiwan Circuit Board Association. TPCA invited speakers from industry and government sectors. These speakers shared insights on industry and corporate net-zero strategies, as well as advanced industrial technologies and resource plans.