Innovative Forum on Global IC substrate Carbon Reduction
Innovative Forum on Global IC substrate Carbon Reduction
隨著全球對環境保護與可持續發展的重視日益增加,載板產業正面臨前所未有的挑戰與機遇。Apple 力求在 2030 年前實現所有產品的碳中和目標,Intel 則承諾在 2040 年前達成溫室氣體的淨零排放,這使得綠色製程技術的創新成為電子產業鏈中的核心議題。為了迎接新機遇,工研院電子與光電系統研究所攜手台灣電路板協會,舉辦「全球載板減碳創新論壇—晶片載板的綠色變革」。
本論壇邀請 Prismark 的姜旭高博士,就全球載板市場展望進行演講;工研院產科國際所張淵菘研究員將分享載板碳盤成果。此外,我們也邀請了載板產業鏈的多位先進,包括景碩的黃耿芳副永續長、東台的陳育斌副總經理、以及長興的羅仕瀚部長,共同探討減碳創新技術的最新發展和未來趨勢。
【Time】10/24 14:00-16:00
【Location】TaiNEX 1 Room 505a
To seize these new opportunities, the Electronics and Optoelectronics Research Laboratories of ITRI, in collaboration with the Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA), will host the " Innovative Forum on Global Substrate Carbon Reduction —The Green Transformation of Substrates" on Thursday, October 24, at 2:00 PM in Room 505a of the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1.
We are honored to have Dr. Shiuh-Kao Chiang from Prismark deliver a keynote speech on the global substrate market outlook, and Mr. YS Chang from ISTI will share its report on substrate carbon footprint. Additionally, we have invited several key speakers from the substrate supply chain, including Mr. Kevin Huang, Vice President of Kinsus, Dr. Yu-Pin Chen, Vice President of TONG-TAI, and Dr. Shin-Han Lo, Director of Eternal Materials, to jointly discuss the latest developments and future trends in carbon reduction innovations government sectors. These speakers shared insights on industry and corporate net-zero strategies, as well as advanced industrial technologies and resource plans.