
Home / Latest News / SAPKS昆山喬遷開幕典禮



Date: 2024-02-02

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當天在昆山公司經理Christian的領導下正式開啟典禮儀式,並邀請了金富寶亞太集團高層共同進行剪綵儀式;隨後由集團COO Elmar通過簡短的演講介紹公司相關情況;最後由中國區銷售&市場副總裁Tracy及高級銷售&市場經理Aaron介紹了Schmoll最新產品與技術,以及全新的測試中心,完美地向各位來賓詮釋了我們“closer to you / 更貼近,只為更懂你”的服務理念。




Dear all,

On 12, Jan. SAPKS held the opening party for moving to the new address which is located at the Germany Industry Park Kunshan. We were fortunate to have many guests on the day, including colleagues from Schmoll Germany and SAP group, the GIP and Kunshan government officers, and CPCA officers. At the same time, we also invited many industry leaders and our customers to attend the party.


The ceremony was started with the opening speech by Chris, and Elmar made an introduction of our company by a PPT speech. Tracy and Aaron explained our slogan" closer to you / 更贴近,只为更懂你” by showcasing the new products, upgraded technology and our demo room with test function to everyone.


We are now proud and pleased to announce that the opening party of SAPKS was successful. Thanks to our team members' efforts, and thanks to everyone's support.


Cheers to the future!








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