Shocked by the 303 Power Outage The Chinese National Federation of Industries (CNFI) will submit its energy proposal to the government
The 303 power outage around Taiwan has caused industrial losses that are estimated to be over NT$10 billion. Therefore, Wang Wen-yuan, chairman of the Chinese National Federation of Industries (CNFI), instructed CNFI to submit an energy improvement policy for industry proposal to the government within six months, with the hope that the government can pragmatically face the issue and resolve Taiwan’s future energy crisis. Therefore, such a proposal should also be conducive to achieving the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, further ensuring the sustainable development of Taiwan's economy.
On March 3, the most serious blackout in recent years occurred in Taiwan. This blackout sent people's livelihood, transportation, and industrial production in Taiwan into chaos. Approximately 5.49 million households lost power instantly, while all of the rail routes south of central Taiwan came to a halt. More than 77% of industrial areas were also affected according to statistics by the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), with 48 industrial areas and 521 manufacturers simultaneously losing power, including semiconductor, optoelectronics, petrochemical, steel, and other businesses. Among them, such PCB manufacturers as Flexium, Taiflex, WUS and other manufacturers were affected. The loss of the industry caused by the blackout may reach as high as tens of billions of dollars.
Although investigation determined the power outage to be human error rather than a lack of power, it nevertheless highlighted the problem of Longci high-voltage substation. The power outage can hardly be considered a particular event, for two additional power outages occurred in May last year, and they have all underlined the fragility of Taiwan's power supply, suggesting a slight increase in one area may have affected the entire situation. Therefore, any equipment failure in a power plant may jeopardize the power supply of all Taiwan.
Due to the restructuring of the global supply chain brought about the US-China trade war and the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan is now ushering in the largest industrial investment boom in recent years. Electricity consumption is expected to soar in the future. However, since the fallout regarding the issue of net zero carbon emissions has gradually continued, the demand among enterprises for green power in Taiwan as an important member of the global supply chain has become increasingly urgent. At the beginning of the year, the American Chamber of Commerce released the "2022 Business Climate Survey," which indicated that nearly 80% of the respondents expressed concern about the stability of the power supply, while 71% of them expressed concern about the resilience of the power grid. Therefore, energy transition and stable supply is considered the greater concern of the future industry if businesses should consider staying in Taiwan.
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