202103 Summary of Special Topic: "Global Circuit Board Industry Review for 2020 and Outlook for Year 2021" (Part 1)
At present, the circuit board industry worldwide is mainly controlled by Taiwan,
China, Japan, South Korea, and a few European and American manufacturers.
Although the output value of circuit boards around the world has shown steady
growth in the past few years, the growth rates among these above-mentioned major
countries have varied; furthermore, the direction of growth or decline within these
countries is not wholly consistent each year either.
In 2020, the output value of circuit boards (including the output value of circuit
board manufacturers engaged in post-production SMT) worldwide was estimated to
reach about US$69.7 billion (as shown in Figure 2); a growth rate of 9.4% compared
to that of 2019. There is a rather considerable gap in terms of output value and growth
rates compared to estimates from the beginning of the year, and key reasons for this
gap are as follows: the period of work resumption is shorter, demands have far
exceeded expectations, post-epidemic life has driven soaring demands for some
products, 5G business opportunities remain unaffected by the epidemic, the iPhone 12
is selling well despite delays in launch, the downstream mindset is rather
conservative, and inventory levels are enhanced.
As for performance in Asia regions, the output value of circuit boards in Taiwan
was about NT$696.3 billion in 2020. If the amount of original orders were calculated
in US dollars, the output value should have reached US$23.6 billion; a significant
increase of about 10.2% compared to that of 2019, and a new record high. In terms of
mainland-owned PCB factories, revenues in Q1 had, in most cases, declined due to
unfavorable factors such as the epidemic and work halts in 2020, while manufacturing
plants gradually resumed operations in Q2 in various places. Among them, the growth
of 5G communications and computers, etc. is found to have soared, helping mainland-
owned PCB plants achieve higher levels of revenue against hostile trends in 2020.
The overall growth rate remains the highest around the world. As for Japan, revenue
from Japanese substrate factories in 2020 ceased falling given the favorable input of
revenue from substrate businesses, and it is expected to grow by about 2% compared
to that in 2019. Similar to the situation observed in the Japanese market, demand in
the substrate market has also spread in South Korea. As a whole, Korean factories
were expected to grow by about 5% in revenue in 2020, fueled by demands for
substrate, and will strive to grow as they slim down product lines.
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