Taiwanese electronic plants are exhausting efforts To take up the significant share of smart medical-care
In these years, Taiwanese electronics factories have been working aggressively to strive into the field of smart medical care. Aside from Wistron that has already made efforts in this field for more than 5 years with certain results gradually observed of the past two years. The five major players from the electronic arena include Quanta, Pegatron, Inventec and Compal, and others have deployed their layout in smart medicine/healthcare-related field. Even Acer and Asus, have silently invested a lot of resources in this field for development.
Asus overlaps Wistron’s application in the field of smart hospitals to a large extent, and "AI Recommendation Engine for IC-10 Coding" developed by AICS, the subsidiary R&D center of Asus for AI, has been gradually implemented in Tzu Chi Medical System, Cheng Hsin Hospital, and Yangming Hospital. Based on the premise to return the medical data energy to doctors, the AICS of Asus has focused on the medical field, adopting the management of related solutions within the smart medical data platform under the goal of precision medicine. They continued to invest in the search management system for adverse drug reactions, AI risk prediction for re-hospitalization in 14 days and BI management system, and the search system for intelligent electronic medical records. Ultimately, it has further advanced to the establishment of CDSS (clinical decision support system) and other solutions.
As for Quanta, it has utilized ABCD as its primary strategies for the development of smart healthcare, including the use of algorithms themed upon neural networks in deep learning as well as the Big Data, while C refers to the iCloud, with Devices being developed by the Medical Products Division of Quanta.
At this stage, Inventec is still placing its focus on hardware devices of AIoT, and its subsidiary, IAC, has been working to develop its primary smart medical product line. Through its brand, "Easy Doctor," it has launched such smart electronic measurement system products as the "Family Health" series to check up physiological figures including heartbeat, blood pressure, blood sugar, and uric acid. Since the official certification of its relevant medical materials at the end of last year and early this year, its brand products have been actively promoted in the past six months, and they have been successfully introduced into medical hospitals in Miaoli, Kaohsiung, and Chiayi and others.
Compal, which lays a particular focus on medical care, has put its medical business into two parts, respectively, as the remote and precision medicine, and health care. For the former, Compal has introduced the construction of specialized 5G networks for two cooperative hospitals; for the sector of health care, it has also promoted its services to as many as 20 locations around Taiwan and bringing in its health medical materials. (News source: Commercial Times)
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