The construction of the Shennan and Tongzhou UTPCB Plant is escalating while aiming to provide newly-constructed, professional factories
With the in-depth promotion of activities such as the “Speed-up Year for Project Construction” and the “Breakthrough-year for Major Projects,” Tongzhou in Jiangsu will focus on leading industries to strengthen their performance by improving their transporters, investments, service levels, and concentration on efforts in order to succeed in the major projects. As such, it is necessary to effectively accumulate high-quality developments to ensure the quickening of the projects’ construction. As a consequence, Phase II of the Shennan Circuits at Nanton and the PCB Project of UTPCB will be sped up for completion.
In June, the main plant for Phase II of the Shennan Circuit had been completed. However, when reporters recently walked into the project’s construction site, they found that workers were carrying out internal structural construction with completion expected by the end of October. As a whole, the annual output value of the plants will exceed RMB$ 4 billion, once it is equipped for full production. In addition, the Nantong Phase II Project is financed by a construction investment by Shennan Circuits after they proposed a public offering for convertible bonds. Nantong Shennan Circuit Co., Ltd., a fully owned subsidiary of Shennan Circuits, additionally implemented the construction. As a whole, the total investment reaches RMB$ 1.245 billion, while the sum of RMB$1.064 billion that was recruited from the open market will be included in the investment’s total amount. Regarding the project, the construction of a new and specialized intelligent factory is planned on the property that was previously owned by Nantong Shennan, which should optimize the production technology and production process and improve the design level of product engineering to achieve higher material utilization. In addition, the primary products are high-speed, high-density, and include multilayers of PCB for 5G communication products and servers.
Moreover, UTPCB is a major provincial-level project in Jiangsu Province. The Phase I project broke ground and started construction on November 1, 2018, and has since been completed efficiently. At the end of June, 11 units of work were completed in sequence and it is expected that the plant will be fully completed in August. By then, the equipment, with a total price of RMB$ 600 million, will be placed for the installation and trial operation. In the first quarter of 2020, the trial production will be put into operation. When the equipment is ready for full-scale operations, the plant can generate sales amounts that reach RMB$1.5 billion while helping to achieve the annual sales scale and providing more than 2000 jobs.
As a result of the expansion of the production capacity, UTPCB in Shanghai has been constantly seeking new developments. However, due to various inspections, the final project was settled in Tongzhou. Pei Bing-Kun, the senior manager of the UTPCB construction group, said that Tongzhou has obvious geographical advantages, superior human resources, and an opportune business environment. Pei further stated, “At the time of the project construction, the government departments of the locality has not only helped solve the problem of 'three guarantees' but also actively organized supporting items and compatible measures of construction to ensure the adequate supply of water, electricity, and heating to promote the smooth construction of the project work." (News source: consolidated new media of the PCB industry).
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