
首頁 / 最新消息 / PCB factories are mobilized to fulfill huge 5G demand

PCB factories are mobilized to fulfill huge 5G demand





5G has driven a huge demand for the use of PCB materials. The established factory, WUS Printed Circuit, has taken the lead in obtaining large base station orders from Huawei and Ericsson through WUS Printed Circuit (Kunshan). BoardTek has also spearheaded their related fields. In response to the demand for 5G multi-applications, ITEQ, Zhen Ding, Flexium and other industry players are also well prepared to “mobilize” the PCB industry once again.

Zhen Ding, the global PCB leader, is cooperating with the terminal brand customers to set up an R&D Department to develop new 5G technologies in advance, stretching across multiple terminal domains such as mobile phones and automotive electronics.

Flexium is partnering with customers to set up relevant teams in 5G application needs and establish the Flexium Group 5G Smart Communication Business Operation Center in Taiwan.

Word has spread from the PCB industry that NOK’s subordinate MEKTEC, and other Japanese flexible PCB factories are interested in joining the Flexium Group teams, mainly because they have set their eyes on the future high-frequency wireless transmission and the growth opportunities of 5G layouts in Flexium.

PCB factories are actively exploring 5G applications, thus prompting EMC, ITEQ and other upstream materials plants to follow suit.

EMC maintains its previous direction in expanding production and will gradually increase production capacity in line with the demand of servers and 5G.

To cope with the new application requirements of terminals, FCCL manufacturer Taiflex will also expand its product line.

As for the PCB drill manufacturer, Topoint, it will accelerate its investment in new technology for future vehicle and 5G related applications. (News source: Economic Daily News)




