
首頁 / 最新消息 / Taiwan PCB Techvest merges with T-Macchvest PCB to integrate corporate resources

Taiwan PCB Techvest merges with T-Macchvest PCB to integrate corporate resources





Taiwan PCB Techvest (TPT) and T-Mac Techvest PCB (TMT) held a major news conference on December 7, focusing on the effective integration of resources between the two parties, improving the efficiency of the division of labor, and expanding the scale of operations to enhance operational efficiency and competitiveness. Both sides convened a resolution of the board of directors by co-signing a share transfer agreement. Thereby, TMT will become a 100% shareholding subsidiary of TPT.


TPT joined the TMP alliance in 2008, holding a 50.21% stake, and Xu Zheng Min currently holds the Chairman post of both TMP and TPT. The company said that the purpose of the merger was to integrate the resources of both parties to generate the most effective configuration of productive capacity, avoid the redundant distribution of logistics resources within the group by integrating the logistics platforms to save costs, and improve the company’s overall operational efficiency and performance. The sharing and cooperation of production and human resources is expected to bring new growth momentum to both parties.


TPT mainly produces photovoltaic panels, automobile PCBs, and NB PCBs. According to last year’s product structure, photovoltaic panels accounted for about 40%, NB PCBs about 30%, and PCBs for TVs, vehicles, industrial, Netcom products, etc. for the remainder. In 2015, TPT bought the PCB factory of Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd, Kaohsiung for NT$257 million and independently became Zhiyu Technology, which was actively fighting to strive in the automobile PCB market. The company previously stated that it has made few changes to its product structure and business performance in recent years and has not expanded production for an extended period. The total production capacity of all the plants is currently 9 million square feet, and the utilization rate has been steadily maintained.


A representative said that TPT is the world’s largest photovoltaic panel manufacturer, benefiting from the sound consolidation of photovoltaic panels and NB PCBs. Its Q3 revenue reached NT$6.253 billion, which was better than the same period last year. The company is optimistic about the steady growth of automobile electronics, as well as about actively cutting into the server-related supply chain. Following the arrival of the high-frequency and high-speed network generation, it anticipates good operation growth in the future. (News source: Commercial Times)




