EISO Invests Heavily in its shift to Manufacture PCBs
To achieve sustainable development, EISO has invested heavily in the recent expansion of its plant and in the recruitment and training of talent. Simultaneously, EISO has purchased new equipment and successfully converted its original production focus from the manufacture of LED backlight modules into the manufacturing of PCBs used in IPC, netcom, automobile and consumer electronic products.
Chairman Jen Rong Kun noted that the transformation is not just for the pursuit of profit but is necessary for the company to survive under harsh conditions, overcome difficulties and continue to thrive. Now, the company is ready to meet the needs of its customers, whether they be small quantity/large variety flexible production, special materials or special process applications, and become a small, talented and soundly transformed enterprise which aims for sustainable development.
To increase its production capacity, efficiency and process capability, EISO has installed additional high-performance precision equipment, such as LDI and CCD exposure machines, ink-jet printers, twin insulated wire production lines etc. The company continues to improve its process capability to achieve its developmental goals of securing a comprehensive range of orders and achieving more niches for the company. In addition to increasing profits, Jen Rong Kun believes that the creation of a differentiated core value for the company is vital to offset long-term competition. Therefore, it continues to promote all aspects of process development, including the R&D of thick copper plates, HDI plates, and low-loss plates to develop business diversification and generate more orders.
Turning crisis into a turning point is a common belief amongst the associates of EISO. Under the leadership of Jen Rong Kun and the ongoing efforts of all its employees, the company has reviewed the quality issues and proposed effective development programs, thereby allowing the production process and quality to stabilize in 2017 and now further making a big stride in its manufacturing process. (Source: Economic Daily News)
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